Polesie National Park 2011-05-23

Poleski National Park was established for the purpose of protection of the water-peat ecosystems and is one of the three national parks of this  character in the territory of Poland. It is situated in a picturesque valley of Polesie Zachodnie (Western Polesie) and in the middle part of Łęczna-Włodawa Plain, which is famous for its lakes - classified among the oldest lakes in poland. One can also find here reservoir of the Carstic origin.

For over thirty years now the naturalists have been struggling to save this part of their motherland nature, trying to preserve the unique character of the Polesie region, which according to the lyrics of a famous folk song is know as: "The charm of Polesie, derives from its wild forests and marshes". Yet, before this piece of land acquired the status of a legally protected area, numerous marshes and wetlands had been recklessly and irretrievably drained, the result of which was extermination of many rare species of fauna and flora typical to the region. Despite the difficulties, thanks to engagement of some eminent scientists, and most of all, of the famous research specialist professor Dominik Fijałkowski, it as possible to save the last remaining tiny fragments of the marshy grounds in the territory of Western Polesie. Today park covers the area of 12,041.96 ha.


Sourde: Poleski National Park, Nature and Culture Guide


Polesie National Park

3a Lubelska St., 22-234 Urszulin,

tel. (+48 82) 571 30 71 , 571 30 72,

e-mail: http://www.poleskipn.pl
